the trend of shopping online is rapidly evolving. People prefer buying all types of products while sitting inside their homes. The same is the case with shopping skin care products and medicines. luckily, you have a reliable online platform called OKDERMO which is selling the finest skincare product collection across the globe.
Tretinoin microsphere gel 0.1 supatret is a product, which is amongst the hottest selling ones these days. This gel is known to be exceptionally effective for the treatment of acne vulgaris. It is a retinoid indicated product that is only for topical use. Let’s tell you some detailed information about this useful product.
Dosage and Administration
This gel is supposed to be applied once a day. It is better to apply it in the evening so that your skin does not expose to the sun once you have applied it. Apply it only to the affected areas. Try to apply a thin and fine layer. Do not rub it on your skin-simply apply it. Make sure that you clean the affected area well before applying this gel.
Never try to reapply the gel again and again just to attain quick results. This will not provide you positive results but will just show too many side effects on the skin.
There are no known side effects of this product, but you may just fell mild warmth or some stinging on the skin. This is pretty much normal. In case you start experiencing some serious or unbearable side effects then you should immediately discontinue its application. talk to your doctor ad discuss your issue with him. He may ask you to apply the gel on alternative days. Once your skin develops tolerance to this product then you may start applying it on a daily basis.
During the first two weeks of application, your acne may become more active and prominent. It does not mean that medicine is showing a negative impact on the skin. Keep using the product and during the third week, you will see the acne getting better.
If you are a cosmetic lover, then you can keep using makeup during your treatment. Just try to avoid fragrant soaps and other skin care products that contain astringents or alcohol.
Precautionary Measures
When you are undergoing this treatment, then you should strictly bring down your sun exposure. Try to step out of your homes during your treatment. If you really cannot avoid going out in the sunlight, then you must wear a good quality sunscreen lotion/cream. Patients with sunburn should definitely not apply this gel unless or until they are recovered.
If you have cuts, open wounds or you are suffering through eczema, even then you should avoid the application of tretinoin microsphere gel 0.1 supatret.
Once the condition gets fine, then you can talk to your doctor and start applying this product on your skin.
Conclusively, this product is a useful option for those who have acned skin.