Introducing The Principle of Abundance

Our perception

I recently did a presentation of the UFIND workshop to a corporate client and I used their whiteboard to display a few key notes pertinent to the workshop to facilitate my presentation.
Straight after the presentation, I was asked by a personal assistant if I wanted to erase the notes off the whiteboard. Her comment was:
“In case anyone else comes and copies your notes and your contents- we had complaints
This comment made me realise how much we tend to perceive our lives as being a ‘dog eat dog’ world.
From childhood, we are programmed to believe that resources are scarce, with comments
such as: “there is only limited space for top universities and so many applications!
Competition is going to be very tough”
It is therefore not surprising that we grow up believing that when we take, we are reducing
our competitor’s resources and vice versa.

What is the Principle of Abundance?

It states that:

Being empowered by the principle of abundance requires the belief that there is always enough. Enough love, enough money, enough resources, and enough opportunities to achieve and have whatever we desire. The ease or hardship of attaining something is determined by belief alone.

Aligning with this principle means there is no anxiety, worry or fear about perceived limitations. Instead, there is the belief that whatever the heart really wants, there will always be an opportunity to find or create. By removing all complications and replacing it with the simplicity of belief that there is always enough, our brain will begin to perceive opportunities and choices that it did not previously see. It will find less traditional, more
creative ways to leverage and synergise and be more efficient and effective.

“It allows us not to compromise on our decisions and real purpose. Once we expect to find abundance, we will find it.”

The two classic examples relating to Abundance is our relationship with Time and Money.


In the context of abundance, money is neither good nor bad. It is merely a facilitator of our attitudes. Money is a collective agreement to allow added flexibility to trade with people who may not otherwise want what you have. They, like you, can take your money and spend it elsewhere to experience an exchange of equal value. Neither holding on to nor spending
money is problematic.

“It is our assumptions of what both actions represent that predetermines the outcome.”

How often do we hear comments like “I would love to start a new venture, but I just do not have the money – this is just a pipe dream!”

And yet most multi-million dollars businesses of today started up in a garage or back yard before they slowly grew and became successful?


Have you ever heard yourself or somebody else say that there just isn’t enough time in the day? Our attitude towards time is a curious thing considering that there is always going to be 24 hours in a day. It is the way in which we view and approach this 24-hour period which makes the difference. Time is simply a measurement tool!

Food for thoughts….

Join me on my Health2bfree Coaching Services page, where I would regularly be sharing with you new empowerment principles. Our EP7 – Empowerment for Purpose Program has a total of 52 Principles (

Jenny Korten is a certified facilitator for the UFIND and EP7 program. For more information,
email her at [email protected] (

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